In line with the government ambitious goal of increasing forest cover from the current 10% to 30% by 2032 and in solidarity with the recent flood victims, Kenya Railways joined the rest of the country in the National Tree Growing Day held on the 10th of May 2024.

Led by the Cabinet Secretary for Roads and Transport, Hon. Kipchumba Murkomen, and KR’s Managing Director, Mr. Philip J. Mainga EBS, residents in Homa-Bay County participated in the tree planting exercise in Gembe Hills.

During the event, Hon. Murkomen announced adoption of 3000 hectares of land at Gembe hills ensuring the sustainability of the tree-planting efforts.

As a ministry, our commitment remains steadfast in pursuing our daily efforts to achieve our annual target of planting 5,615,152 trees, which is crucial in mitigating the dire impacts of climate change,” stated CS Murkomen during the exercise, adding that addressing climate change is paramount for our current and future generations and requires unified action in implementing adaptation and mitigation strategies to avert future environmental catastrophes.

With a requirement to plant 78,000 seedlings by June 30, 2024, KR staff across the Nairobi

region embraced the spirit of the day by planting trees in various areas.

From Ngong to Konza, these efforts were nothing short of commendable. In Syokimau, 500 seedlings found their new home, while Ongata Rongai witnessed the planting of an impressive 10,000 seedlings. Ngong, Lukenya, and Konza also experienced significant contributions, with 14,000, 3000, and 12,500 seedlings planted respectively. Together, these efforts amounted to 40,000 seedlings, a showing KR’s commitment to environmental conservation.

The National Tree Growing Day was truly a success. It was a reminder that the actions we take today will shape the world we leave for future generations. With each seedling planted, we sow the seeds of a greener, more sustainable future for Kenya and beyond.