As the world commemorated International Women’s Day on March 8th, Kenya Railways joined the global celebration with warmth and sincerity, highlighting the theme of ‘Inspire Inclusion’ in a vibrant display of solidarity and recognition for the achievements of women within the organization.

Over the years, this day has evolved into a global movement, uniting millions of women worldwide in the fight for equality and justice. Kenya Railways, a key player in the country’s transportation sector, embraced this year’s theme ‘Inspire Inclusion’ whole heartedly. One of the highlights of the celebration was a one-on-one interview with Railway Training Institute (RTI) Director Milly Kizili and Marcelyne Ochieng, a Locomotive Driver, shedding light on their experiences and insights into the importance of women’s involvement in railway operations.

Director Milly Kizili emphasized the significance of railway training, breaking stereotypes by ensuring the inclusion of women in traditionally male-dominated roles such as locomotive technicians. She echoed the sentiment that with passion and determination, women can achieve anything, emphasizing the importance of quality education as a stepping stone to success.

Marcelyne Ochieng, a trailblazing Locomotive Driver, shared her journey of progression within Kenya Railways, highlighting the freedom and independence that comes with her role. She credited the support of Kenya Railways management for empowering her to excel in her career and personal growth, emphasizing the importance of perseverance in the face of challenges.

As Kenya Railways joins the global movement to inspire inclusion and celebrate the achievements of women, it reaffirms its commitment to fostering an environment where all employees are valued and respected, regardless of gender. By championing diversity and equality, Kenya Railways paves the way for a brighter, more inclusive future for all.