Collection of Personal Data

Kenya Railways is a Rail service offering Corporation and collects or obtains Personal Data to enable service offering to both internal and external customers. The details collected help and provide a means to obtain details which identify you or could be used to identify you/ organization. The Personal Data collected include but not limited to:

  • Your name and identification details
  • Your Relationship details
  • Your contact details,
  • Your travel requirements
  • Your KR service purchase history.
  • Your information on use of KR websites and mobile applications

Kenya Railways collects your personal data both directly and indirectly in accordance with the law. We collect your personal information with your knowledge and consent with exception to cases where prior consent cannot be obtained for real reasons and the processing of the data is permitted by law.

Information provided to us: Kenya Railways obtain Personal Information when it is provided to us (e.g., when you contact KR via email or telephone, or by any other means, or when you provide us with your business card, or when you create an online profile with us, or when you submit a job application).

Relationship information: We collect or obtain Personal Information in the ordinary course of our growing relationship with you (e.g., when we provide a service to you, or to your employer). We collect your Personal Information whenever you use our services (whether these services are provided by us or by other companies or stakeholders acting on our behalf), including when you travel with us, when you use our website or mobile applications, or interact with us via email or our contact centre.

Information you make public: Kenya Railways collects or obtains Personal Information that you choose to make public, including via all social media platforms (e.g., we may collect information from your social media profile(s), if you make a public post or comment about us).

App data: We collect or obtain Personal Information when you download or use any of our Apps.

Website data: We collect or obtain Personal Information when you visit any of our sites i.e. & or use any features or resources available on or through the sites.

Registration details: Kenya Railways Corporation collects or obtains Personal Information when you use, or register to use, any of our Sites, Apps, or services (e.g. when you purchase a ticket).

Third party information: We collect or obtain Personal Information from third parties who provide it to us (e.g., companies contracted by us to provide services to you, companies involved in your travel plans, credit reference agencies, law enforcement authorities; etc.

Creation of personal information: We also create Personal Information about you in certain circumstances, such as records of your interactions with us (including records of your telephone conversations with us), and details of your service purchase history.

Protection of Personal Data Kenya Railways ensures that access to electronic and physical archives containing your personal data is controlled based on reasonable and appropriate administrative, physical, and organizational safeguards. We implement security measures designed to protect your information from unauthorized access. By using our systems, sites and access services, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to assume these risks. You also accept responsibility not to disclose your personal information to suspicious individuals or for nonofficial reasons.

Amendment to this statement

We reserve the right to amend this privacy statement at any time. All amendments to this privacy statement will be posted on Kenya Railways website

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