The Government of Kenya (GoK) in partnership with the World Bank intend to finance the implementation of the Kenya Urban Mobility Improvement Project (KUMIP). The program objectives are improving urban mobility with Nairobi metropolitan area and land use planning along the identified commuter corridors. The project will support urban policy formulation, institutional strengthening, and improvement of commuter rail services, station access roads and transit-oriented development (TOD) around railway stations.

Kenya Railways Corporation (KR) is the implementing agency for the program. KR is a State Corporation established in 1978 pursuant to the Kenya Railways Act, Cap 397 Laws of Kenya, to provide an integrated rail network and provide rail and inland waterways transport services in the country.

The project procurement is to follow the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for Investment Projects Financing (IPF) Borrowers. The project is currently under preparation, but it is planned that an initial Expression of Interest (EoI) will be posted in January 2025 to solicit bids for consultancy services for the feasibility study, preliminary design (FEED/Basic Engineering) and preparation of bidding documents for upgrading of the Nairobi commuter rail network.

To this end, KR hereby invites interested private sector stakeholders and industry players to a consultative meeting on Thursday January 16, 2025 in Block D Auditorium,  Kenya Railways Headquarters Office, Workshops Road, Off Haile Selassie Avenue, Opposite Technical University of Kenya- Nairobi from 0900am to 1300hrs Eastern African Time (EAT).

The objectives of the meeting are to relay general information on the project to private sector stakeholders, present details of expected procurement packages and implementing arrangements, and to receive feedback from the potential vendors on the suitability and sustainability of the proposed project design. The consultation is also to help to hear from the industry players as a process of market sounding and use the market information for Project Procurement Strategy preparation.

We strongly encourage stakeholders to participate in this process and to use the meeting as an opportunity to ask questions and provide comments regarding this upcoming project procurement opportunity.

To confirm your attendance and facilitate online attendance, please email by 1700hrs EAT of January 14, 2025.