On January 16, 2025, Kenya Railways (KR) hosted a Market Engagement Conference at the Headquarters in Nairobi to discuss the transformative Kenya Urban Mobility Improvement Project (KUMIP), an initiative funded by the World Bank. The event led by KR’s Project Team Leader, Eng. John Maina aimed to engage stakeholders and enhance understanding of the project’s vision, objectives with focus on upgrading the Nairobi Commuter Rail Network along the Nairobi-Thika line (Line 2).

KUMIP is a transformative project designed to address the pressing urban mobility challenges facing Nairobi. The primary focus of the conference was to engage industry stakeholders, share critical information about the project and gather valuable feedback. The event also aimed to provide insights into the project’s design, objectives and the procurement packages available. A diverse group of participants attended the conference including representatives from the World Bank, the Ministry of Roads and Transport, NaMATA, KPMG and county government representatives from Nairobi and Kiambu. The conference was an example of Kenya Railways’ inclusive approach to ensuring the success of KUMIP. Private sector organizations, media representatives and members of the public both physically and online, contributed to the discussions.

Eng. Maina’s keynote presentation outlined the scope and strategic vision of KUMIP emphasizing its core objective to reduce urban congestion and enhance mobility across the Nairobi Metropolitan Area. The project aims to achieve this through the rehabilitation and expansion of the Nairobi Commuter Rail (NCR) network, the development of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) hubs and improved access to commuter stations. As part of KUMIP’s broader objectives, the project will also focus on strengthening policy frameworks and institutional capacity ensuring sustainable long-term management of urban mobility systems.

A key feature of the conference was the interactive Q&A session where stakeholders had the opportunity to ask questions, seek clarifications and offer feedback on the proposed designs. Both in-person and online participants were encouraged to contribute, fostering a dynamic and collaborative environment. Experts from the World Bank and the Ministry of Roads and Transport shared their insights ensuring the discussions were comprehensive and aligned with global best practices.

A major focus of KUMIP is the expansion of the Nairobi Commuter Rail Network, with the first phase targeting the highly-trafficked Nairobi-Ruiru route which will be extended to Thika Railway Station to meet growing commuter demand. “The extension of this route will significantly ease congestion on both the rail and road networks, addressing one of the busiest commuter corridors in the region,” explained Eng. Maina during his presentation. Following this initial expansion, subsequent phases will focus on upgrading and operationalizing additional NCR routes including the Nairobi-Ngong and Nairobi-Kiambu Town lines among others. The project will also focus on modernizing ticketing systems a priority area highlighted by Ms. Akiko Kishiue of the World Bank. The ultimate vision for KUMIP is to expand the NCR network from 35 to 53 operational stations significantly improving access to affordable and reliable transportation across Nairobi’s metropolitan area. Additionally, the project will focus on creating key transit hubs and supporting infrastructure that encourage public transport usage, reduce dependence on private vehicles and promote environmental sustainability.

The feasibility study and preparation phase for KUMIP is expected to take 24 months. This stage is critical for assessing the viability of proposed upgrades and expansions ensuring that the project is aligned with both local needs and long-term sustainability goals. Once completed, KUMIP will serve as a model for urban transport improvements not just in Nairobi, but across Kenya’s other urban centers.

The Market Engagement Conference represented a significant milestone in advancing KUMIP’s objectives. Through open dialogue and collaboration, Kenya Railways in partnership with the World Bank and other stakeholders set a stage for a more efficient, sustainable and accessible commuter rail system. The successful implementation of KUMIP will dramatically improve urban mobility in Nairobi and will have a positive and a far-reaching impact on regional transport networks.